
Week Recap

This week
I got a snail mail from one of my awesome blogger friends.
the earrings i won on an instagram giveaway.
awesome sunset! #PureMichigan
Our dog Mavis, she kept turning her head so apparently she didn't want her picture taken.

I hope you all had a good week, It's warming up here and looking more like spring/summer everyday. Here are a few of my favorite links from the week, i hope you enjoy them!

This video made me tear up, God is totally at work here.

this post on  ice cream and Be sure to linkup for the Circle linkup on Kiki's blog,
the ice cream can be found here.

One of my close friends  is talking about a fun pinterest project on her design blog here.

Would you travel back in time if you could? Jenna of dearest love has her sponsors answering that question.

Another installment of You are lovely on Amy's blog, and A good post on the blog writing process

Some summer road trip essentials

Get your Titus+Ruth #SheReadsTruth study packets. I ordered mine this week and i am so excited to get it!

Some great music recommendations here.

Great advice from some trusted bloggers.

Free May desktop calenders and wallpapers.

These scones look amazing! I may have to make these.

Fun minted stationary over on Meg's blog

Hope you all have a good memorial weekend, Got any exciting plans? I am hoping to spend time with my family.

What you may have missed....
The Circle: Goals
Coffee Date
Last weeks: week recap


  1. I watched that video about the couple one night right before I went to sleep and got so emotional! What an incredible story.

    I love The Advice Column from Elah Tree! Thank you so much for sharing that!

    1. I know right? So good! God really shines through both of them :)
      Me too, such good advice.

  2. Those earring are beautiful!! What wonderful snail mail!!! Glad I found your blog via the week link up! Lauren @ cornwellfam

    1. Thanks! I love them, i have yet to wear them. Hopefully this week!
      thanks for stopping by, I will have to check out your blog :)

  3. that sunset + those earrings = love!


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24