
Week Recap

I hope you all had a good week! It was a crazy journey getting back to Virginia but i am so glad to be back, it's so much warmer here and there's no snow, so that's a plus. Anyways, here's some of my favorite links from my week, i hope you enjoy them!

Here's an everyday moments post on another blog I follow.

Read this devotional by she reads truth on the book of Jonah, and you can catch up on the rest here.

Check out this music over on meg's blog.

Check out this post on making everyday a gift.

And yet another everyday moments post here.

On Letting go of some things in our lives.

These doughnuts sound so good, don't you think?

What this women's friends do for her is so touching, you should definitely check it out!

A little Justin Timberlake mash up for your weekend.

Good advice from some awesome blogger's.

I have been loving this girls blog lately, it's so good! And she has some awesome prints and stuff here.

Be sure to head on over to my other blog/ministry the Quiet Place, and check out the newest post on this months theme Grace.

Here's a great post from Amy at Taking steps home, it's definitely a must read!

And I really want to know, do you like these posts? And what would you like to see more of? Feel free to comment below or email me(you can find my email in the contact section of the blog).

Well i hope you all have a good weekend and be sure to take some time to rest!


  1. I LOVE posts like these, because it helps introduce me to bloggers I might not know, gets me to some great links and freebies, and I got to hear that AWESOME JT mash-up. Love it! :)

    1. i am glad you like these posts. I enjoy doing them.
      Wasn't that just the best? i loved it when i saw it and i knew I had to share it :)

  2. I love them too! And those donuts! Mmm!

    1. thanks girl!
      I know right? they look so good!


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24