
Week Recap

This is a photo that i took a long time ago at home, it's so beautiful though, i had to share it :) 

I'm so glad it's finally Friday, it's definitely been a long week. I'm ready for a weekend with some rest and some homework mixed in there in between.  So here are some links that i found throughout the week, i hope you enjoy them!

There's still time to link up with Kiki and i for the Circle over at the Quiet Place, be sure to do that before the end of the month. You can do that here. 

Check out this post from Kiki, so good!

This verse really tugged at my heart this week.

check out this music on this girls blog.

These chicken Tenders look so good! I may have to make them sometime.

This site is so cool, found it via Beth's blog.

These cookies look so good! i may have to bake these soon!

Just getting into the 1, 2 and 3 John She reads truth Devotional, so good, you should definitely check it out!

If you don't have the Jesus calling devotional app on your phone, you should. It tugs at my heart everyday, when i read it, it's always just what i need to hear, i love it!

loved this post on Amy's blog. So stinkin good!

If you missed Vanessa's guest post from last week, you can check it out here.

I am hoping to do a post on Grad school life this weekend, we will see. I will try to make time in the midst of all of the homework.
well i hope you have a good weekend, find some time to rest!


  1. The cookies look SO good! I'm with you on that one. ;) lol

    1. i know right! I may have to try and make those sometime. And of course it would be fun to make them with you! lol!

  2. That photo is amazing!! The colors! Sunsets are so beautiful, but for some reason I love sunrises better. I guess because I don't get to see them as often and they are a reminder to me that it is a new day full of new opportunities.

    1. thanks girl! Yes it is very beautiful :) I love sunrises too, i agree they are so much different from a sunset, even the colors. It's incredible how God creates them so differently, but yet they are both so beautiful. I've had to get up early a few times this week and each day the sunrise has been so beautiful, that i started looking forward to them.

  3. Busy girl!! I loved reading the stories in the comment's of Amy's blog post. :)

    1. Yes Grad school is so busy. It's crazy how much busier i am then i ever was in undergrad. I find myself having to make time for myself, or make time to spend with others. It definitely leaves me thankful for my amazing roommates who are in it with me :)
      Oh me too! Even though I've never had a boyfriend, it was helpful to read others experiences.

  4. That photo is soooo pretty. Love all of the colors. :)

    And thanks for the link love, friend! I am so honored to be listed in this list of great links--which are pretty amazing, if you ask me!

    Find some time to rest yourself, okay? Enjoy this weekend! :)

    1. Thanks girl! I took that a while ago, with my camera. I just found it the other day and i knew i had to share it :)
      anytime, I love your posts, they speak such truth and encouragement into my life.
      yes i will for sure. it's been a long week.


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24