
Week Recap

South African sunrise, so beautiful! totally worth getting up for too!
 Here's some links from my week, it's been a crazy one with homework and tests, and crazy group projects...did i mention i dislike group projects, cause i do. Anyways, Grad school life has been great so far, i can't wait to share more with you maybe this weekend, if i have time. But for now, just enjoy these little snippets of links that I found this week.

One of my blogging friends Kiki, is doing an awesome fiction story series and photo series. you should check them out! She will also be helping us redesign the Quiet Place this summer, which I am so excited about!

This pin totally pulled at my heart this week.

I am so making this for dinner this weekend or next week, i am thinking a roommate dinner is in order soon!

If you have never heard of this song you should listen to it, cause it's good. And the guy singing it is apart of Campus church Band here at liberty.

When my friends and i have our next girls weekend, we are so making this for breakfast. It's so good, trust me you won't be disappointed.

oh my word, these doughnuts look so good. i will have to make these someday.

Check out this awesome post over on the be.loved blog.

Amy's fiction stories are good too, check the latest one out here.

If you are looking for some cute bridesmaid's hangers or one for your wedding dress, check out my friend Laura's etsy shop out here.

If you have never read this book by Shauna Niequist, you should read it soon. so stinkin good!

This post on singleness, just what i needed to hear. It's definitely a must read!

Have a good weekend my friends. And remember to rest, and take in the beauty that God provides for each and every one of us!


  1. What a great list of links! First of all, thank you for the link love. It's always a nice surprise to see my name/blog included in people's lists--especially yours! :)

    I'm excited to check out the recipes, the posts, and the songs, too. That's so cool that your campus has a band!

    And I, too, am not a big fan of group projects. They definitely add stress and they can definitely be frustrating at times, too. I hope you have a great group and that all goes well! :)

    p.s. That pin was my fave of the week, too!

    1. Your welcome girl! I always love going through your old posts and reading them, they are so good!
      Yeah there's this thing on wednesday nights, it's called campus church. One of my roomates and I went one time and it's so good! I wanna go again maybe this week You should check out those recipes, ahh so good!
      oh my word! This one is the really frustrating, to say the least. Hoping the presentation next week goes well.
      oh sweet! I love how we think alike :)

  2. I love Bread and Wine!! Such a great book!


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24