
An Intern of Christ

Today i have Melanie sharing her heart on the blog today, i hope you enjoy here story as much as I did!

Hi! My name is Melanie, and while I may not blog, I journal quite a bit and read other people’s blogs, like Britney’s!  I grew up home schooled, part of a Christian family, an Air Force brat, and as the oldest child.  I do not know many of you, but I want to share some of God’s work in my life over the past couple of years.  I graduated from The Master’s College at the end of 2010 and dreamed of being a teacher since junior high.  I excelled academically, but once entering a classroom, it was hard to put into practice the theory I had learned in college.   

The Lord brought some failures into my life to cut short that dream.  It was His way of saying that He had different plans for my future.  I loved my work with children; I realized it was going to be more of a hobby or a side job than a daily occupation.  So I found ways to interact with children (and still do), from teaching Sunday school to leading children’s music to teaching a little boy piano to babysitting.  I still get the joy of working with children while doing something I am better skilled in that might be a less stressful environment.  I changed career fields, took some classes to better my administrative skills, and landed a job as an office assistant for a small company.  I praised the Lord for this chance, but alas he had other plans.  I kept thinking, “Can anything go right?  All I do is keep interviewing and nothing pans out.  I get excited about something and the Lord takes it away.  Why do I keep having rollercoaster years?”  My mom reminded me of Job and other people in the Bible who experience trials.  She encouraged me to “trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not on my own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will direct your paths.”  (Prov 3:5-6).  The Lord says that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28).  

 What good was possibly coming out of all that had happened in my life?    So I began to journal and list God’s blessings in my life.  Here are just a few of what I wrote:The fact that I am saved by grace through faith alone and that Christ is my constant even if the rest of life is not.
The fact that Christ blessed me with parents who encourage me in my walk with Christ and have supported, counseled, and prayed for me through every situation.
The many service opportunities the Lord has given me, from teaching and helping in children’s Sunday School to playing piano and singing at a local senior center to ministering in my Bible Study

The fact that I have His Word and prayer to turn to when I am struggling.
I am not saying I have not struggled with bitterness and discontent.  Far from it, I am learning to yield my thoughts to Christ and to take each day as an opportunity to grow and learn.  I often struggle with anger, jealousy, and frustration at my own weaknesses.  The Lord is bringing people into my lives as well as my family to guide me into this next phase.  The Lord is bringing opportunities to work from home as I have started freelancing as a proofreader and editor for high school and grad students.  I am learning how to be a homemaker at home through cooking, ironing, cleaning, and helping my mom who has some health issues.  Before, I had not really enjoyed the work that came from living in a house, and with my brother moving out, I disliked having to be the only one who helped.  The Lord, thankfully, is teaching me how to have a “gentle and quiet sprit” and to serve with joy.  Ladies, I am far from being the woman he wants me to be.  I am not mature in all areas, and I often worry over my future.  I am still a Proverbs 31 intern.
If you are struggling with God’s will for your life, turn to wise people for advice and turn to God’s Word for comfort.  Rest in His plan and know that He is powerful and sovereign.  I am reminded of the words from the song “You are God Alone.

You are not a God created by human hands
You are not a God dependent on any mortal man
You are not a God in need of anything we can give
By Your plan that just the way it is
You're the only God whose power, none can contend
You're the only God whose name and praise will never end
You're the only God who's worthy of everything we can give
You are God that's just the way it is
You are God alone from before time began
You were on Your throne, You're God alone
And right now, in the good times and bad
You are on Your throne and you are God alone

Thank you for reading and thank you for letting me share God’s pruning in my heart.  Continue to pray for me in the coming months as I submit to His work in my life and overcome challenges.


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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24