
Week Recap

Missing the beach this week, enjoy :)

I recently created a Facebook page for the blog, so you can check it out here.
and like my page if you want :)

check out this post from my blogging friend Kiki on her word for the year. It's so good! you won't be disappointed.

I love this pin, it totally spoke to my heart.

Read my year of Devotional Monday's post on the Quiet Place.

Check out this girls blog, she's one of my sponsors this month, and i just love her blog! 

If you missed my Blogging confessions post, you can check it out here

One of my dear friends who is graphic designer and illustrator, and also contributed to the design of the Quiet Place. Just created a Facebook page, check her awesome stuff out here.

I'm moving to VA this week to begin Grad school at Liberty, i am excited to see what God has in store for me there. Be praying as i begin this new adventure, if you could.

If you have never checked out this design site, you really should! It's pretty cool!

I just love this girl and her blog!

I hope you all have a good weekend. And i will be back next week with some updates on my new adventure!


  1. Awww... Thanks so much for the shoutout, babe!!! :-)

  2. Thank you so much for the shoutout!! :) I am so glad we could swap this month!

  3. congrats on starting grad school!!! so exciting! what is your concentration in?
    my sister in law just finished her masters in education through liberty online! great school!

    1. Thanks girl! I am excited to start next week. i'm getting my masters in Professional counseling.

      oh that's cool, yeah it is a really nice school, the campus is beautiful! And so is the area around it! I love it so far. I am hoping to explore some more this weekend when my roommates are here.


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24