
OverCome the Lie: Singleness is Not A Curse.

When I was asked by Ashley of Overcome of the Lie to do a blog tour on my blog and talk about something that women buy into as a lie, I instantly thought about the topic of singleness and how it's not a curse, but a season of life.

Most of us are either in their early 20's, and we are slowly watching each of our friends get married, or get into serious relationships. And sometimes we might often think: "When's my turn?" or i'm gonna be single forever. As these negative thoughts go through our head we miss out on all that this season of life has to offer. We forget that God has a plan that is way better our own, and we become consumed in what the world wants us to do or who it thinks we should be. As a single person it is so easy to get caught up in this, cause we not only get it from the world but also the people around us. And yes, they are usually well meaning people.

But sisters, don't listen to what the world says. Cause God's got a plan for your life that is way better than your own. I know at times it's hard to trust in his plan, but even were completely broken he is still good. Not only trust in his plan, but in his love, in the fact that he is good, despite our circumstances. Joshua 1:9 is a verse that I cling to when i'm feeling yucky about being single. It says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  That's right he is with you wherever you go, and singleness is not a curse, it's a season of life where God is shaping us into the women that he wants us to be. Trust in his good and perfect plan, despite what you are going through.
Overcome The lie


  1. Amen!!! I think both singleness and marriage have wonderful, God-given seasons!

    1. I agree! They are both seasons that help us to focus on him in different ways :)

  2. Love this! I also will be joining the tour with Overcome The Lie and this is very similar to what I am going to talking about! So glad I am not the only one who feels this needs to be talked about!

    1. So true, it's definitely a lie that so many single women believe. Yes it's hard, but God is definitely working on us in this season.
      oh well i am looking forward to reading your post!

  3. I'm so glad that you're a part of this blog tour! I love all that Ashley's doing and Overcome the Lie is a great movement. :)

    Also, you are soooooo right about singleness. It's so easy to think that singleness is a disease or that life doesn't start until singleness is over, but it's a life stage and it's an important one at that. So glad we can be in this season together, girl!

    1. I love it too! I only recently just found Overcome the lie, when she asked me to do the tour. I agree it is a great movement!
      I completely agree, singleness is so often viewed as a "suffering" time of life, when it is really a time for God to work on our hearts and in our lives. I am glad too! It's nice knowing that i am not alone. Now you just have to live closer so we can hang out! :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24