
Blogging Confessions

My girl Kiki of In it's time tagged me in this blogging confessions post, so i am going to share a few of my own.

When did you first start blogging and why?
I started blogging on my personal blog (which is this one) in 2009, just because I felt like starting a blog. Pretty much it was just my journey with God and things that happen in my daily life. Then last year in December of 2012, i started The Quiet Place with my best friend. 

Have you had any past online presence?
Just my personal blog, that's it. 

when did you become serious about blogging?
I became serious about blogging when I started the Quiet Place because we had a certain population we wanted to reach and we knew that it would take work to promote and get the word out there about our blog, so that's when I really became serious about blogging and all that it entails.

what was your first blog post?
My first blog post is here. It's not very long, but you can read it if you want :) 

what have been your biggest blogging challenges?
my biggest blogging challenge has been stress when it comes to responding to a lot of emails and comments, and writing posts. It's a lot of work but in the end it's definitely worth it! 

what is the most rewarding thing about blogging?
The most rewarding thing about blogging is most definitely the community that it provides, I have met so many great blogging friends and I love engaging with the readers through comments and emails. God has definitely exceeded my expectations with the community that blogging has provided. 

 what is the most discouraging part of  blogging?
The most discouraging part is probably, the bad comments, there was a week when we first started The Quiet Place that we got some bad comments that were paragraphs long, it was sad to see what that person had to say. I must admit it was discouraging at first. 

what is your lasting motivation or inspiration?
My lasting motivation is reading the stories of other bloggers, and seeing their hearts in their posts and on their blog. It's really comforting to know that I am not alone in my struggles. 

what is your blogging dirty little secret?
I rely on scheduled posts sometimes, I like knowing that I have a post scheduled and I don't have to worry about writing in a hurry, cause let's face it, my writing is way better when I take my time on it. 

what is your current goal as a blogger?
My current goal is to just encourage more women, and to share with others my heart for Jesus, cause without him I wouldn't be able to do any of this. Also as Kiki mentioned in her post, it would be fun to be a full time blogger, don't you think?

Have you learned or become passionate about anything through blogging that caught you by surprise?
I have become passionate about: sharing my struggle with singleness, also encouraging women in their walk with God. 

So, I ask you what are your answers to these questions? feel free to answer in the comments below :)


  1. Yay, I'm so glad you participated! As you mentioned, blogging is a HUGE load of work. But it's all rewarding in the end, right? :)

    And I also love what you said about sharing our stories and connecting. I think that's one of the greatest parts about blogging. It almost is hard to believe, really. But it's amazing, that's for sure!

    1. so true it is, but you are so right it is definitely worth it! :) I wouldn't trade any of it.

      I completely agree sister, i love hearing peoples stories and really seeing their heart on their blog-- it's definitely one thing that keeps me reading. Your blog is definitely one of them :)

  2. I loved reading this post! I just discovered your blog and I am loving it. I am starting up a blog on my own and it was great to learn some things from you, someone who is a little bit farther a long ;)

    1. Thanks i am glad you like it! That means a lot!
      Blogging is fun, but it does require a bit of work, but it's all worth it in the end :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24