
The Circle: Coffee Date

Today i am linking up once again with my dear blogging friend Kiki and the awesome Amy from Taking steps home for the circle linkup, this months theme is a coffee date. If your like me and love heart to hearts, than this is for you! 

1. Where are you seated (near the counter, near the window, near the door, against the wall, etc.)? 
I am seated near a window that is letting in the sunlight just enough so it's not in my eyes.

2. What are you sipping/munching on? 
I am sipping on a caramel mocha and eating a piece of lemon pound cake. Which if you have never had it's really good! 

3. What do you want to get off your chest first (can be as deep as you want)?
I would tell you about life in Grad school and also what God is doing in my life, cause i really love those kind of talks. You know, heart to heart.  I would also talk about my friends and family, and tell you that i miss them, since they are so far away.

4. If you could choose anyone (besides us of course) who would you have a coffee with?
I would love to have coffee with some of my blogging friends because I think it would be an awesome time of just getting to know each other and sharing our hearts.  

5. What is inspiring you lately?
Lately I have been enjoying, baking and finding new recipes. Also, the beauty that is around me here in VA. I have also been loving, warm sweaters and scarves like this one. 

6. What are your plans after coffee?
After coffee I have to get back to homework and class, you know Grad school life. And I hope we would plan to meet again soon, and maybe take a few photos before we left. 

So, Go grab your coffee and link up with Kiki and Amy.

In Its Time


  1. mmm caramel mocha! YUM! great choice!
    grad school - how are you liking that? I've thought of it from time to time.
    man I wish I did more baking - then again I'm glad I don't, I have ZERO restraint to baked goods haha

    1. yes, i love them too!
      It's good! its definitely hard, and a lot of work. But i think it will be good to be able to focus on something i love :)
      lol. that could be bad. But i love it! It's a way to relieve stress for me.

    2. Caramel anything is winner in my book. I do love a good salted caramel mocha latte. :)

      I've recently been thinking about getting my Masters...seminary actually. I don't know if it will ever happen, but it's a path I definitely wouldn't mind taking.

    3. I agree! that sounds good, i've never had one of those. I will have to check that out :)
      Oh that's cool! It's a lot of work, but I think it will be a great journey!

    4. "I am seated near a window that is letting in the sunlight just enough so it's not in my eyes." Good point about the sunshine. I haven't seen clear skies in awhile now so I forgot the importance of not having sun in your eyes. It makes conversations (especially heart to hearts!) so annoying! :)

      How is grad school going now? You've made it a week!! :)

      Also, lemon pound cake. YUM.

      And I looooove that outfit you linked to. Love that cozy scarf. I'm actually planning on wearing one of mine tomorrow! :)

      Thanks for the coffee date, girl!

    5. Yep. that's very important, it's been very sunny here in VA lately :) I agree!
      It's going good, i can't believe it's been a week already! It's crazy! It's going to be hard and a lot of work, which is kind of intimidating because my professors want us to turn in Professional work. Which makes sense cause after we are done we are planning on getting a job. I am loving being able to focus on something that I love versus all of these classes that have nothing to do with my major.
      oh yes, they have it at Starbucks and it's so good! You should totally check it out!
      me too, i love scarfs! I think i have an addiction to them, i have so many..lol!
      I totally enjoyed it! This topic was one of my favorites! i am looking forward to co-hosting next month!

  2. grad school life!!! it's tough, but glad you can take some time out for a coffee date :) heart to hearts are the best!! maybe you will get to meet a blog friend for coffee some day!

    1. I agree! yes it is.
      That would be awesome :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24