
Week Recap.

 so..it's been a good week. Long but good. how's your week been?

Question: is there anything you my dear readers would like to see on here? I would love to hear your input.

Read this post on singleness, it truly spoke to my heart! I loved it!

My other blog The Quiet Place is turning one year old next week. I can't believe it, God has definitely taken it places I never thought it would go. We have some great stuff planned to celebrate turning one, so you should definitely check that out next week!

I just love this girls blog, she has such a sense of adventure!

If you don't know already, i love baking (cooking too), anyway these cookies look so good. I may have to make them this weekend!

It's getting closer to moving to VA for Grad school, I am excited! It's crazy how fast it is coming up. Prayers are appreciated as I start this journey.

I am currently reading this book. When i'm finished I will be reviewing it and giving one away on the Quiet Place, so be sure to check that out! Anyway,  It's just filling up my heart, so stinkin good!

Next week i will be featuring the lovely ladies on my sidebar this month. God's been teaching me a lot lately, so some heart to heart posts will be coming your way next week.


  1. + ah - megan (rivers + roads) such a great blog, she most definitely has a heart for adventure, I love it!
    + I keep seeing everyone reading one thousand gifts. it looks so amazing. I really need to dig into it!


    1. Yes i agree, i just love her blog!
      You definitely should, it's so good! I'm giving it away on the Quiet Place next week, so you should enter to win :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24