
Daily Bread

As I read this devotional and I was reminded of how much I need to rely on him for my daily bread.
In this season of singleness, this is when I need to be relying on him and I know that.

Lately, i've been feeling impatient in this season of singleness, don't get me wrong some days are way easier than others. But today, i feel stuck, like I'm just sitting in this room where everyone has someone to talk to except me  and I'm sitting there watching it all go on, and to be honest I feel this ache upon my heart that feels like it will never go away. You know what I mean? It's hard and sometimes it doesn't seem fair. Sometimes it's a struggle to even talk about it, cause I just end up getting emotional...and then I become a hot mess. 

But on those days that I feel like a "hot mess" i am reminded of the love that God gives me each and every day,  even in those times when I feel down, discontent, or just a longing on my heart for something more. I know that as I begin Grad school in January, God has plans for me that are far better than my own. Knowing that I am encouraged to seek him in the struggle of this season.

I am thankful for his grace that he so freely gives to me each and every day, without question or condition. I think of the verse in 2 Corinthians 12:9 which says, "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

My prayer today is that his power will be perfect in my weakness, in my "hot mess" days, in my struggle, and longing. I pray that he would be my daily bread in the midst of waiting. amen.


  1. Oh, sweet girl, I'm so sorry you're going through pain with this season. I'm not going to throw out the cliche "Your hubby's right around the corner" or something like that. But I will encourage you in the truth that God loves you and knows the desires of your heart. He won't let you go on in pain forever. He will bring you your husband or satisfy your desire some other way. You're amazing, dear girl!

    1. Thanks girl! i appreciate your encouragement so much! I love how you said: "God loves you and knows the desires of your heart." Your sweet words brought me to tears, you are such a blessing girl!

  2. Girl, know that you can always talk to me about singleness. ALWAYS. And you never have to worry about being a hot mess, because I can be one hot mess when I'm emotional, too. Praying for you, girl! :)

    1. Thanks girl! You are such an encouragement in my life, i am truly thankful for you! I appreciate your prayers and I will definitely be talking to you about singleness more in the future :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24