
30 days of Thankfulness: Week Four

The photo above, is one I have probably shared before. But i love it, it truly captures the fall beauty of Michigan!
Once again, I am linking up with Angela, for her thirty days of thankfulness linkup. I am so glad I was able to participate in this linkup, it truly made me think about all of the things that I have to be grateful for.

11/22: God's unending grace, that he gives me each and everyday, i am truly grateful for all that he has blessed me with.

11/23: the beautiful snow outside on the trees, it is truly beautiful. 

11/24:  having lunch after church with one of our dear family friends from church.

11/25: time spent with the people in my discipleship class at church.

11/26: these words from my dear blogger friend Kiki

11/27: The She reads truth thankfulness devotional, it's so good, and just what I needed to hear this week.

11/28: Thanksgiving: Spending time with my family today and eating tons of food!

30 Days of Thankfulness


  1. Thanks for linking up again girl! So many wonderful things to be thankful for!

    1. Your welcome! I truly enjoyed this linkup, and i can't wait to see what you do next :)

  2. I LOVE your blog design! :) Kiki does a great job :)

    just. plain. Madness.

    1. Thanks Madison!
      Yes she does, she was so very patient with me throughout the whole thing. I just love her!


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24