
December Swap Feature: Christmas Wish List

Today on the blog I have three out of the five  lovely ladies on my sidebar this month. This month I have asked them the question: "What's on Your Christmas Wish List?"

What's on Your Christmas Wish List? 

This year my Christmas wish list is different. When friends and family asked me what I wanted, I couldn't think of any things. I could think of a few items I need: a new backpack because mine is ripping, a new pair of shoes because my pairs always covered in mud, and a few books to study. Living in a third world country changes you. I am in the Dominican Republic. Some people here don't own socks or more than 2 outfits and most people live under $1 a day. But I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty for whats on your Christmas list; rather I'm writing this so you are more aware. Aware that the world's Christmas is much different than the American Christmas. Aware that Christmas is much more than a list of things you recieve, but is celebrating Who we recieved. I am so thankful that this Christmas I will be spending time with family and friends in the States and celebrating the birth of Jesus in anticipation for when He comes again.You can read more about my adventure in the Dominican Republic at my blog: a river of Joy
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 I have wanted, no no.. NEEDED, a kitchen aid mixer for YEARS. This year, for Black Friday, the husband got me one! So that's been marked off the list! I couldn't really ask for more than that, and my family being together for the holidays.. BUT... just for kicks and giggles, and in case anybody else asks, I DID make a small list (mostly from anthropologies kitchen area) of little additional treats on my wishlist this Christmas. That list is (here) .. and then I may have gone and made one for my daughter, Fern, too. (here)
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My husband and i aren't really good at gifting, so this year we've planned a December trip to mainland Japan (we live in Okinawa, Japan) where we will be exploring Tokyo | Kyoto | Osaka! Plus, there will be lots of shopping! This trip was on the top of my Christmas Wishlist and i'm soo excited we're getting to do it.Blog |Blog Lovin'| Twitter| Facebook| Pinterest

So i ask you, what's on your Christmas wish list? 
ps. I have four swap spots left for January, and they are calling your name. check out the details here

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24