
Week Recap

Had an awesome chat with the best friend, so thankful for that girl!You should check out her blog here , it's pretty awesome.

I finally have my living situation all set for when i move to VA in January, i am excited! Prayers are appreciated as I begin Grad school.

I love this girls linkup, it's so good!

this post was just what I needed today, i love when that happens!

This sweet girl is on my sidebar this month, i just love her blog and her comments are always so thoughtful. 

We put the christmas lights on the trees outside this week, i know it's kinda early, but they look great!
I am excited for thanksgiving, it will be nice to spend time with my family and some family friends.

I am loving the thankfulness devotional on She reads truth, it's totally filling me up, check it out here

Check out this post on rest that I wrote on The Quiet Place, I hope you are encouraged!

If your looking for a good devotional book, check this one out. 

Also next week, i am hoping to write some posts on here about singleness, so stay tuned for that.


  1. That looks like a really good devo, I will have to check it out! Thanks for the link girl!

    1. Yeah it is, you should definitely check it out :)

  2. Thanks for the shoutout, dear girl!!! :-)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24