
Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Week three

 Once again I am linking up with Angela, and be sure to head over to her blog and link up!  So here's what I have been thankful for this week.

November 15th: time with God, i love being able to set aside that time to just be with him.

November 16th: a Saturday at home, watching movies with my mom. It was nice and much needed.

November 17th: Family friends, we have this group of friends at church that are like my second parents/ second family. It's great, and i am very thankful for each of them!

November 18th: Finally getting my place to live all set, for when I start Grad school January.

November 19th: My Dog Mavis, I just love her, and I will miss her when I have to leave for Grad school.

November 20th: my parents, who always support me in everything that I do.

November 21st: Where God has taken my other blog/ministry The Quiet Place, if you haven't  checked it out, you really should here. We are turning one year old next month and we have some awesome things planned!

30 Days of Thankfulness


  1. I will have to check out the quiet place!! Sounds like you've had a great week! Thanks again for linking up. ;)

  2. I love having families or couples in church who I can trust and learn from! And congrats to moving into a new place! I moved 4 times while in grad school, so I hope you find a more permanent place that I did! Saturdays at home sound lovely! I don't know the last time I watched a movie with my mom ... that sounds so fun!

    1. yes me too.
      Wow that's a lot of moving, that must have been stressful having to move so much.
      I agree, it was nice :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24