
Liebster Award

So one of the sponsors of the,The Quiet Place  and our social media gal, Ellie of Choosing Peace, has nominated me for the Liebster Award which is an award for bloggers with 200 followers or less. I would like to thank Ellie for nominating me, I am so honored! And I also thank her for the amazing job that she has done as our social media gal on the Quiet Place, so you should check out her blog cause she's awesome!

Here are the Rules: 
1. Link Back to the Person who nominated you. 
2. List 11 Facts about yourself
3.Answer the 11 questions posted by the person who nominated you. 
4. Nominate up to 11 other blogs with 200 followers or less. 
5. Ask 11 new questions for the nominees to respond to

11 Facts about myself:
1. I love pink
2. my favorite food is chicken fingers
3. i love to read
4. One of my favorite movies is: High School Musical (1,2 &3) i love them all! 
5. Someday I wanna get married on the beach. 
6. I am passionate about Encouraging Women, so you should check out the Quiet Place, if you want to   know more about that. 
7. My favorite flavor of ice cream is--Mint chocolate chip, (hence the same of this blog) 
8. I really want to visit New York City someday
9. I love shopping
10. In January 2011 I went to South Africa for three weeks, It was beautiful and i would love to go back someday.
11. I want to live in a city someday, preferably Chicago, but we will see where God leads me. 

1. How long have you been blogging?
I  have been blogging since 2009 when I started this blog. Then in December my best friend and I started the Quiet Place (linked above) which is a blog with the mission of encouraging women to find rest in God. 

2. What inspired you to begin blogging?
I really like to journal, so it's kind of another way of journaling but online. And i am very passionate about encouraging women. 

3. What T.V. show from your childhood would you love to see come back on the air?
7th heaven, it's a show about a christian minister and his family, love it! I have seasons of it, but i would love to see it back on T.V. 

4. Name 3 things you can't live without
My bible, journal, and I phone. 

5. What was the last vacation you went on?
I went to Siesta Key, Florida in May with my family. It's our favorite place to go and the beach there is beautiful! 

6. What's your favorite beauty product? 
My favorite beauty product is the mac zoom lash mascara, it used to come in purple and i love it! now it only comes in black, but i still like it. 

7. What are your top three favorite websites?

8. What's your favorite holiday and why?
My favorite holiday is thanksgiving, because of all of the good food, and I love that it's a time when I can reflect on what I am grateful for. 

9. What's something cool you did last weekend?
I went downtown TC and went to the street sales--it was fun, and it's one of my favorite places in Traverse city. 

10. Would you rather be stuck on a broken elevator or on a broken ski lift?
I would rather be stuck on a broken ski lift because I don't like being in closed in places, so the elevator would bring a lot of anxiety. 

11. What's one thing you would tell your younger self?
That God is all I need. 

I Nominate:

Questions for the nominees to answer
1. what's the story behind your blog?
2. What are your three favorite blogs?
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
4. what's your favorite movie?
5. what's something that you don't share a lot about on your blog, but your passionate about?
6. what's your favorite season?
7. What's your favorite book?
8. If you like to cook or bake, what's your favorite thing to make?
9. What's your favorite tv show and why?
10. what's your favorite hair product and why?
11. what's your favorite store to shop at? 

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24