
Blogtember: Personality Test

Today I took the Myers Briggs personality test. Which I have taken a few times, and I know about since I was a psychology major. It seems as though every time I take it I get something different.

blogtember propt: Take this short personality test and respond to your results.

When I took the test this time, I got ISTJ. Which most of it described me, but some of  it did not. Yes, i am an introverted thinker and yes I am honest when asked about what I think about things. So some of the descriptions did line up, but not completely.

The career choices were way off, I want to get my masters in counseling and work with women in some way. But the choices said I should be a teacher, or administrative assistant, which is interesting cause those are two things that I would not want to do. I like kids, but I would not want to be a teacher. Although on some of the questions I wasn't sure if I was answering them right or not. But overall it was interesting to see what the results were.

Are there any other ISTJ's? Did you find the test helpful or not? 


  1. I know what you mean about having your results change each time you take it--I'm the same way! I think it all depends on what I'm doing or how I'm feeling. :)

    1. Yeah it does actually. In one of my classes in college we were talking about the Myers Briggs, and my professor mentioned that it does the results play into how your feeling. It's interesting how that works.

  2. I always get various answers too! I think it's kind of silly. ;-)

    1. Yeah true. Although, it depends on how you are feeling when you take the test.


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