
Hello August+ What God's been teaching me

 I can't believe it's August already, summer has truly flown by. For me- summer has been crazy busy, with working and going to tons of weddings, but the weddings were truly a joy to attend, i loved it! God's really been teaching me so much this past couple weeks. So last week i was skyping with my best friend and we were talking about forgiveness, and treating people better (such as our siblings). After we talked, i prayed about it and then throughout the next week my devotions were talking about the same things that we just talked about. I don't know about you, but i love it when that happens. God was definitely, trying to tell me something. I love it when he continually tugs at my heart strings! God has definitely been challenging me to look harder at myself and to go even deeper in my relationship with him.

 He's been showing me what it means to truly forgive someone when they have hurt me and to treat the people around me with love. The kind of love that God shows to all of us. I have been reading in Isaiah lately and this verse tugged at my heart when i read it---"Though the mountains be shaken
    and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken  nor my covenant of peace be removed,”says the Lord, who has compassion on you.--Isaiah 54:10.
That right there says a lot, he is telling us right there that his love for us is unfailing, and no matter what happens nothing can shake that love away. That really struck me because that's how we should love others every single day despite what they may say or do to us. This verse has challenged me to look at myself harder and to remind myself to love others just as God loves me.  So if you could pray for that i would continue to strive for that kind of love towards others. Feel free to keep me accountable on that. Also if you could just keep my Grandma and my Uncle in your prayers, they are both sick and not doing well. Pray that they would trust God with all that they are facing, and that they would know that he's got it all under control. cause i know he does :) Remember that as you are going throughout your weekend.

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24