
Summer Update.

This summer has been a summer of reconnecting with people that i have not seen or talked to in forever. It's also been a summer of new beginnings as i watch my friends get married and start their new lives.  I am reminded of how each of them is truly a blessing in my life and the lives of others. I thank God everyday for putting them in my life.

Monday, i met up with a girl that I knew in High school, we were never really friends in high school but i remember being told by someone that we would get along really well. It ended up that we had separate groups of friends, so we never really crossed paths. A few months ago I got Facebook message from her saying that she was thinking about the people in our class that are Christians, and wondered how i was doing, and what i was up to. At first i was reluctant to reply cause i just wasn't sure, i remember asking God what was going on, and why he was putting her in my life now, but as i pondered these questions, I decided to reply to the message. After that we sent a few more messages back and forth. Until we decided to meet for dinner yesterday. As we started talking and she was telling me more of her testimony and what God is doing in  her life, i knew that God had planned this all along.  I felt truly humbled by it all,my prayer is that our friendship would be pushing us closer to him.

A few weeks ago, i hung out with one of friends from High school and i found out that she is now a christian. It was so cool to see how God has worked in her life. He never ceases to amaze me!

Today as i was sharing all of this with my best friend over Skype, i thought of Ecclesiastes 4:8-10--"Two are better than one,because they have a good return for their labor:If either of them falls down,one can help the other up". That right there, is our friendship. I pray that, this continues to be true. 
I am going to end this by simply praying--

thank you so much for this beautiful day! You are so good! thank you for your  love everyday, even when i try to do things on my own you are always there to remind me that i cannot do anything without you. And that wherever I go, that's where you will be. help me to remember this day in and day out. I pray for my friends, i pray that they would put there trust in you and that wherever you lead them that's where they would go, that they would be obedient to you in all things and trust in your timing, and plans for their lives. In your precious name i pray, amen.

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24