
Approaching Grace

 Today i came across this verse that was in a devotional that i get in my email. It reminded me that no matter what we are going through God is giving us the confidence to approach him with all of our worries, concerns, and heartaches, it's a reminder that he is always there right when we need him and he meets us right where we are.  We should never be afraid to approach God with our concerns, worries,etc. because by trusting in him everything will work out for the good.  God continually reminds me that no matter where I go, he will be right there with me. No matter what life brings, he will never leave me, cause he loves you and I more than we can even imagine. Just last week i reconnected with an old friend that I have prayed for a lot, and now she has become a christian and God has been working in her life. It's amazing how God works, he never ceases to amaze me. He has definetly taught me a lot this past year, specifically that no matter what I am going through or what I may be struggling with he will never leave me and that his love for me is far greater than any circumstance that I am in. That right there is all i need, because he is all i need. so remember that this week when you feel like your circumstances or your struggles are caving in on you, remember that he is far greater than any of that and that he will get us through it...no matter what.

"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."--Hebrews 4:16

Here's one of my favorite verses that's been on my heart today--"You are all together beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you"-Song of Solomon 4:7

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24