
What God Has Taught me this Summer+Adventures in Packing.

3 days. until i move into school. shoot! This is coming up fast, but i am so excited! Summer has definetly been great though, God has definetly taught me so much this summer...everyday he continues to fill me up with little bits of him...so good! It's truly been amazing. Psalm 62:8 says--"o my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.." This verse right here is the biggest thing that i have been learning this summer, that trusting in God is so important! Everyday he wants us to pour our hearts out to him and vent our worries and concerns that we think are so small. By trusting in him at all times, he always provides. no matter what! Because God longs for our hearts to be totally his. he wants all of it, not just some of it but all of it. In those times when your just not sure, keep putting your trust in God because sister he's got you! Don't forget that! "For the eyes of the Lord more to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His"- 2 Chronicles 16:9
And now it's on to the packing..which so far hasn't been much but i do have a little bit of stuff together. I will definetly take a picture though once i have it all packed up :) Which i know you will enjoy!  Even though i still have all of this packing to do, i am ready for fall. I am ready to see what God has in store for me this semester, I know his plans are so much better than my own and that wherever i am he's right there with me. No matter what. He will never leave me. (see Joshua 1:9). So as i get ready for another semester i thank God for everything that he has taught me this summer and can't wait to see what he has in store for me this semester!
Your hands, JJ Heller. - i was listening to this song the other day and it made me smile.

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24