
Summer Reflections

First of all, i cannot believe it's August already, shoot! where did the time go? Summer practically flew by, but it's been good though!  I'm so ready to be back at school with all of my friends, i miss them dearly! Someone asked me this weekend if i was ready to go back to school and i said--"Yes, i could literally walk out the door right now and go back to school." Yep. that is how ready i am. If you know me at all, you won't doubt for a minute that this is true.  This past week was crazy as i sent my application into some Grad schools. I think about this process and  i am really excited about the possibilities that are before me and the new adventures ahead. As i pray about this adventure, i remind myself that wherever i chose to go, God will be right there with me....as i remember that i breathe a deep sigh of relief because i know  i cannot do it on my own. God has definetly taught me this summer that if i trust in him he will provide. no matter what. no questions asked. He's got it all under control. And with all of this in mind, i think about the semester ahead of me in a few weeks and i remind myself that his plans are so much better than my own...and he will provide. All i have to do is seek him and he's got the rest! God has taught me a lot this summer, he's taught me that----he is truly all i need. at the end of the day he is always enough. no matter if i am having a  crappy day or a good day..he's all i really need. He's the one that i can come home to and vent all of my cares and worries that seem so meaningless to me but they hold so much value for him. He's taught me that even when i think that he won't come through he will. he always provides. Most of all he's taught me that he loves me more than i can even imagine. amen! My prayer this summer has been that he would fill me up with him everyday...and he has...more than i even expected!
Listen to this song, it's practically the soundtrack of what i've been learning this summer--Good to Know, Francesca Battistelli

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24