
Love and Forgiveness

I have been reading through Genesis lately and each time i open up my bible and read another chapter I can't help but keep thinking of the recurring theme i see throughout the book. That theme is love, i see the love that God has for each and every one of us. Today my devotional was talking about the story of Jacob and Esau. Years after not talking to each other Esau came up to his brother with loving arms and embraced him. Jacob says that at that moment he saw the face of God which a few verses earlier he does so he knows what he looks like. It wasn't that Esau was God cause he wasn't but at this moment Esau showed his brother God's love and forgiveness. (see Genesis 33:1-11)  That right there says a lot because i know there have been times in my life where i have been hurt by someone and have not always shown them God's love right after, especially right after. I know what your thinking...this is so hard but just know that when we show others his love we in turn develop into the godly men and women that he has called us to be. That right there is my prayer everyday, that God would shape me into the godly women that he wants me to be. I will admit, sometimes i fail but God is right there the next day to take my hand and love me for all that i am...because you know, he love you more than you can even imagine!

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24