
A Lesson Learned

The past couple days my devotional has been talking about the story of Elijah. As i read 1 Kings 19:1-11, i noticed that even though he tried with all his might to run from God after that frightful encounter with Queen Jezebel  Yet, God still found him..sitting under a tree scared and not sure of what to do next. This got me thinking about those times in my life where i just ran from God because i was scared and didn't know what else to do, i ran from him instead of trusting in him that everything would work out. Then it made me instantly think of an embarrassing moment, well at the time it was embarrassing. But you should know before i go into the story...i was scared, so i "walked away", not sure of what else to do. So here's the story--i liked this person. a lot actually. I'm not sure if they knew it at the time but i was scared, i had saw them out of the corner of my eye and was desperately trying to avoid them. So i thought if i didn't say anything i wouldn't be noticed but to no avail it didn't work. Yep. they saw me and headed straight for me. what did i do? i said hi and just walked away...ahhh! I know how humiliating.   Again, i was scared and didn't know what to do. So as i look back on that moment i feel a lot like Elijah did when he ran from God not knowing what to do. You should know that God has definetly taught me a lot about trusting in him this summer.  If i learned anything this summer, it's that by putting my trust in God...he will provide. If you trust in him he will show you his amazing plans...little by little..i just know it! So if your ever feeling scared...unable to talk and wanting to run. Just run to God and put your trust in him.

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24