
Becoming Less

John 3:30 says--
"He must increase and i must decrease"
My devotional today mentioned this verse and it made me think about how in our lives we need to just step back and let God do his thing. By trusting in him he will provide. no questions asked. he's got us. don't doubt it cause he does. Throughout the bible God tells us that he will never leave us or forsake us(see Joshua 1:9).  He will never let us go. John 3:30 made me think about how many times in my life that i so desperately wanted to "control" the situation on my  own..when in the end i knew i couldn't do it without him. This summer God has really been teaching me that by trusting in him he will provide. At the end of the day he is truly all we need. amen. Let me say it again--he is truly all we need. he's the one that will come next to us when we feel broken and hurt and say--i've got you, it will be okay. Throughout those storms God's got your back, to this i breathe a sigh of relief because i know i cannot do it on my own. Step out of the light and go into the shadows and trust in God. Cause he will provide....i just know it!

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24