
Trust in Him

My devotional was talking about trusting in God, which i believe is so important because God always provides...even when we feel like our prayers are getting unanswered, the truth is they are...we just need to wait patiently for God to work in our lives. I can definitely attest to this, in the times in my life when i felt like God just wasn't listening to my prayers. He really was, right there listening with all his heart and reminding me how much he loves me. We just need to remember to trust God with it all, because he will take it all on and that weight that we had on our shoulders will be lifted. Proverbs 3:5 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding..." But how many times have we turned to God and said "i trust you a little bit, or i can work this out on my own---when the truth is we cannot do anything apart from him. I will admit there have been times when i thought i could work it all out on my own but the truth was i couldn't and i God was right there to pick me back up again....and put me back on the path to him. The truth is-- God always provides weather we can see it or not, he does. whatever it may be that you are struggling with...singleness, uncertain future...etc. He is right there to tell us it will be okay if we trust in him...he will provide for all of our needs. Don't doubt...just trust in him and everything will work out for the good of those who love him. (see Romans 8)

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24