
Just trust him

I was reading in Isaiah tonight and i came across this verse--"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord"-Isaiah 55:8. This verse really captures what i have been learning all summer and that is to trust him and he will provide. Because he is the ultimate source, the one who knows things even before we do. Once we trust in him everything else falls into place. In our everyday lives sometimes we fail to see this or do this...but in the end we end up giving in and saying okay God i can't do it on my own anymore, i need your help! When we finally see that cannot do it on our own then we begin to trust God fully with all we have. Because he never leaves us. Not even for a moment. he's always there right beside us. While reading this verse i thought of this song called "Forever Reign" by shane and Shane. "The riches of your love will always be enough..." Isn't that so true, the riches of love will always be enough no matter what, his love will fill us up every single day! so seek him will your heart and put your trust in him and provide...i just know it!

Listen to "Forever Reign by Shane and Shane here---

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24