
The Ultimate Creative Kid

Today my devotional talked about God's creation, here's what it had to say.....
In the evening my husband and I like to go on walks around the neighborhood. Yesterday as we were ambling along we came across several sections of sidewalk that had been elaborately decorated with neon-colored chalk by an ambitious young artist. There were flowers and cats and swirls and patterns of every hue, an extravagant showcase of creativity that made me grin with delight. I wanted to pick up some chalk and add my own artistic flair to the next section of sidewalk. And isn't our planet like that? We turn a corner and find ourselves grinning at some new vision of creation; God the ambitious Artist has been very very busy. Have we noticed? Praise the Lord. He is the ultimate creative kid. He paints he sketches and weaves and sews. He is proud of his work. He shows it off. The whole earth is laced with his glory! He is rich in the best materials and uses them generously- Sarah Arthur

 When i read the verse for today, i was once again reminded of another verse in Jermemiah which says, 
“Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel" (Jeremiah 18:6. God continually molds us into the godly man or woman that he wants us to be. This has been true in my life, everyday he is molding and teaching me things that have molded me into the godly women that i am today. As he continues to mold me, lately he has taught me that he loves me so much more than i can ever imagine...i don't know about you but that fills my heart with such joy.  Think about that for a minute. The God of the universe loves you and i. My prayer is that he continues to mold me into the godly women that he wants me to be. Another verse that i came across today was Pslam 55---"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you"-Psalm 55:22. So good! So go, grab your bible and soak that up!

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24