

 When i read Psalm 73:26 tonight, i thought about the strength that God provides for all of us...yep that's right, you and me....his children, striving to be the godly men and women that he wants us to be. Now let's go back to the strength part---I can honestly say that God gives me strength, especially in those times in my life when i am struggling. He uses those struggles and trials to help me grow. The times when i am struggling, it is then when i grow stronger in my faith and grow closer to God. Even though i may not see it at the time, i thank God for my struggles because without them i wouldn't grow. His strength is never ending and he is always there, even when we feel broken inside, he's right there wrapping his arms around us and whispering in our ear how much he loves us.   Our flesh and heart may fail but God provides for  us the strength to make it through anything, Matthew 19:26 says it all--Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”. With God's strength in our hearts and minds all things are possible...amen to that! If we rely on God to give us strength we will make it through anything, weather it be heartbreak, disappoint...etc, he will be there to help us through and to love us more than we can ever imagine. So remember this when you are feeling like you just can't take it anymore, know that God will provide for you the strength that you need to make it through it all. so go, grab your bible and soak up his word!
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"- Psalm 73:26

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24