
Like a Tree.

 Summer has been wonderful so far..i thank God for the many blessings in my life, i will have to post on my summer later...but for now here are some thoughts from my devotional tonight---
As i was reading my devotional for tonight it was talking about how God is ancient of days. Here's a little snippet of it that really spoke to me and tugged at my heart---"All changing unchanged Ancient of days", wrote the seventeenth century poet and priest John Donne. He wasn't speaking of a tree; he was speaking of God, the most Ancient of all ancients, who has seen more days and sunsets and solstices than the weariest tree on this tired, dusty planet. And yet even though I can count on God to stand immovable in steadfast dignity, he is also fresh and alive unpredictable as a puppy, as surprising as the clouds at sunset. He is somehow all changing and yet unchanged at the same time. There are times when I need him to startle me with this unpredictability, to shock me out of my comfortable rut of spiritual laziness; but there are other times, like this long evening, when i need him to be my Ancient of Days. And he is.- Sarah Arthur

It's true that are times when we need God to shake us out of so called comfortable life and send us off on a shocking adventure or push us in one direction or another. But there are also other times when we just need to sit and be still before him basking in his glory, soaking up the love that he showers on us daily. so i encourage you this week to be still in the presence of God and soak up his word daily! Psalm 62:6 says, "Truly he is my rock and my salvation;  he is my fortress, I will not be shaken".

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24