
When God Says Wait

We've been praying for months that my relative would find a job, and he finally did. But during those long months, everything seemed stacked against him; and as the days and weeks went by, we all became more and more discouraged. The more rejections he received and longer he had to wait, the more he was tempted to give up. Those of us who were praying for him  began to feel numb, like we were on autopilot, repeating the same phrases over and over again to a God who didn't seem to be listening. But God was listening, And he was answering. It's just that his answer was wait. How long must we pray the same prayer day after day? how long must we worry for our friends who are sick or in trouble? How long does God expect us to be faithful in prayer before we're granted permission to give up? What if we wait our whole lives but never hear a yes? Psalm 40 indicates that it's all worth it somehow. Through the process of waiting, God is still at work, giving us strength and transforming us into the people he wants us to be. We are never, ever, ever to give up-Sarah Arthur

I must admit that there have been times when i've continually prayed for someone and nothing was changing in their life so i wanted to give up. I did for a while, then i realized that my friend needs prayer. he needs someone to be that Godly friend in his life. So i've started praying for him again, hoping and praying that God will shape him into the Godly man i know that he can be. It's hard because i know that God is telling me to wait and be patient which is something that i am not very good at if you know me at all. I know that God provides and all i can do is dillengetly seek him in prayer. My daily reminder: His plans are so much better than anything i could ever do. So when God says wait.. just listen.

Psalm 13:1-2 and Psalm 40:1-2 say...

How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?  How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me- Psalm 13:1-2

I waited patiently for the LORD;  he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand- Psalm 40:1-2

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