
New roomies, New semester!

Last semester was very hard, but so far this semester has been great! I moved over to Lowell which is another building on campus. I am now in a suite style room with three other roomates, i love it, it's awesome being able to have my own shower and sink and i really like being able to get ready by myself. I am really excited about my classes, cause i will get to apply what i have been learning, by role plays and making a case study and creating a treatment plan. Even though they will be alot of work I am excited to learn new things and be better prepared for when i am a counselor. My roomates are great they are all really nice and we get along pretty well. I am excited to get to know them better this semester. I am also excited to see what God has in store for me this semester :)  

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24