
A Community of Friends.

Again, as i was reading for my core 300 class, In the same book i talk about below he talks about how we need to have a community of friends that will pray for us without asking and will call us out on things. He said it needs to be small, intimate, it will be messy. He also said that we need to recognize that all are lives are a battle and we need to help each other through it. As i was reading this, i was thinking about my own friends and asking myself if they pray for me without asking and take the time to pour out their lives to me. Even though they are great people that i really love, there's still things i haven't told them because i am afraid of what they might think of me. But i realized there is probobly things they haven't told me for the same reason. It made me sad to think about. I think it's just saying whatever it is and that makes it become real. I'm just afraid there going to walk away and say c-ya later, do you ever feel this way? This goes back to the fact that we are so afraid to be vulnerable with people that we put on a front because we think that they are going to judge us. This has just been on my heart lately and i hope that one day i will find those people that i can tell everything to and i know that they won't leave me. I just want to encourage you to try to find those people that you can be real with :)

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24