
Week Recap

Hope ya'll had a good week! Here are some links from my week, I am currently home for spring break so that will mean more blog posts for you to read, be excited! The photo above is a sunrise from last Sunday before church. Such beauty in the little things. I hope you have a good weekend!

check out the new She Reads Truth lent Devotional, it's only three days in and it's so good!

Buffalo flavored fries, um..yes!

Here's some sweet backgroundsfor your i-phone.

  love this pin.

Tips for blogging on a busy schedule.

check out the first everyday moments guest post on Kiki's blog, from Meg at Me with the Three. It makes me even more excited to do mine!

Also check out Kiki's guest post over at Meg M's blog Rivers and Roads

Looking for a new blog? check out Beka's blog The I love You's. She is going to be guest posting this month over at the Quiet Place, i am so excited!

 Check out Amy's post on blog business cards. We are thinking about getting some for the Quiet Place, not sure when but think it would be a great way to promote the blog.

 Also check out Julie's blog An Anchor for the Soul. Love her sense of adventure!

 This dress is cute! I am ready for spring!

 Another one of Kiki's everyday moments post on finding quiet.

 Read this post on prayer, It's a must read!

 Well i hope you all have a good weekend! And find some time to rest and just soak up God's word.


  1. Love the buffalo flavored fries! I may have to try that soon. Also that DRESS is SO cute! :D

    1. i know right! They look so good!
      I loved the dress too :)

  2. Love so many of these posts. :)

  3. Hey!!! Thanks for mentioning me! :D I really like this idea of recapping some of your favorite posts from throughout the week - how fun!

    1. your welcome girl! I'm glad you like it, I enjoy it, it's fun to share the things i find throughout the week! :)


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24