
Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Week Two

November 8th: I am thankful for a house to live in. 

November 9th: getting to spend the weekend with my best friend! 

November 10th: coffee, nothing like curling up with a hot cup of coffee and blogging away. 

November 11th: chatting with blogging friends, i love getting to know someone, even if it's just through emails. 

November 12th: my phone: it;s nice being able to stay connected with my close friends, even though we live faraway from each other. 

November 13th: baking: i love to bake. I also love to cook as well, both are very relaxing after a long day. 

November 14th: Sunsets, God definitely takes my breath away with those.

30 Days of Thankfulness


  1. Oh man I loveeeee sunsets too! Especially at the beach! :) Thanks for linking up, girl!

  2. Replies
    1. thanks girl! I am really enjoying this linkup so much, it's been good to reflect on what i am thankful for throughout the week :)

  3. sunsets! yes! and also yes to chatting with blogging friends!

    1. so true! there's nothing like getting to know someone, even if it's just over emails :) Thanks for stopping by my blog Elle!


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24