
Week Recap.

So, thanks to the wonderful Kiki at In It's Time, I have an awesome new blog design! She has been very patient with me over the last few weeks.  so you  should check out her blog, cause she's pretty awesome!

Anyways, I just found out the other day that I got accepted into Grad school at Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Which means moving there in January! I am so excited for the new adventure. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me there. I remember praying before I knew I was accepted, "God if that's where you want me to go, i will go" He never ceases to amaze me! If you could, just pray that the financial situation would be worked out.

If you haven't yet, be sure to check out this blog/ministry that my best friend and I are doing together, it's grown so much since we started it in December, God definitely has big plans for it! so check it out, it's called The Quiet Place. Kiki is also one of our monthly contributors there, so look for her awesome self there too!

And Lynchburg VA, is only 8 hours from my best friend! It's 12 from Michigan, so i will be closer! There might be road trip in my future!

check out this post! It rang so true in my life. I think you will be able to relate too.

And if you haven't heard of She Reads Truth check it out! It's an amazing devotional site!

So have a good weekend, and remember God is with you where ever you go :)


  1. SO FUN! i love your new design. kiki designed my blog as well! she is the best :)

    a couple of my cousins went to Liberty. it's a great school...good luck with starting grad school in a couple months!

    1. Yes she is! I saw your blog and i love it! Would definitely love to swap with you sometime, email me at bg4589@gmail.com
      That's cool! I am excited to start!
      Thanks girl, i appreciate it!


"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24