
Our Plans or Gods

We as humans have all of these plans for our lives, you know...be married at 25, live in a big city..the list goes on. But when it get's right down to it, we all know that God has plans of his own, when we think we've got it all figured out...he likes to shake things up, turn our lives upside down. Our only job is go where God calls us to go, follow his perfect plan even when we don't understand it at all. In those moments all we need  to do is trust in him, no matter where we go or where we live, God is right there with us. He meets us right where we are..even in our confusion and brokenness. He's right there holding us.  In those times when we are not sure if we made the right choice, God will be right there to let us know it's going to be alright. Even though we may not be where we "planned" to be, we are where God wants us to be and that is right where we need to be. Even though sometimes this may be hard to believe, it's true. This when he is shaping us into the godly man or women that he wants us to be, every night before I go to bed, i ask God to continue to shape me into the godly women that he wants me to be, that he would stretch me in ways that i would never expect. We may not know where we are going next but God's got it all figured out, just trust in him. Remember this- his plans are so much better than our own and wherever you go, God will be right there with you.  Philippians 1:27 says, "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ..."

Read this article---God's Plan isn't a Roadmap

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24