
A little bit of encouragement- Part 5

"Nothing is certain, but i'm certain of you.." 
As i was listening to "Building a Sorrowful Loveliness" by Telecast, the words above tugged at my heart. Nothing is certain in life but God is, think about that for second. This made me think of God's love, his love for us is certain. The bible says that God's love is unfailing, Psalm 36:7 says," How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings." God's love is priceless, never ending and all consuming and no one can put a price on that. Daily God is proposing that love to us, he is down on one knee proposing to us... and yet sometimes we walk away and say "this is too hard". Even then he doesn't give up, he keeps proposing to us until we accept. As Psalm 36:7 says, "How priceless is your unfailing love..." As you go throughout your weekend rest in the truth that God's love for you is priceless and nothing will ever change that. 
Listen to this song by Telecast---Building a Sorrowful Loveliness, Telecast

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24