
In the Palm of his Hand

Lately i have been reading the Psalms, which are a wonderful example of crying out to God when everything feels like it's going wrong and also praising him because he is so good! This week i started reading through 1 Corinthians, which I have noticed a recurring theme- a reminder that God's light shines in the midst of all of the darkness that we experience. Those times when we feel like something is stirring our heart, that's how I've been feeling lately, but i know that God's got it all under control. Those are the times when i am reminded that i just need to pray and remember that he loves me more than i can even imagine. Lately I've been learning that when people are on my heart, i need to pray for them. You know, that feeling when something is just stirring inside of you? That feeling that you just need to pray. In the midst of all of the chaos in your heart God's right there putting us back together and reminding us of what's important. He continually reminds me that his love for me is far greater than any persons ever could be or will be. He loves us despite our failures, despite the times that we let him down or run the other way when we know he is coming, we must remember that he's got us engraved in the palm of his hand and he will never let us go. That right there. says it all. so go, grab your bible and soak up his word!
"See i have engraved you in the palm of my hand"-Isaiah 49:16

"My flesh and heart my fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever"-Psalm 73:26

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24