
Reckless Faith

As i ended my undergraduate college time on Friday, i was reminded of the importance of trusting in God, with all of my heart just as Proverbs 3:5 says.  I have been through a lot these past 4 1/2 years and  one of the many things that God has taught me is to put my trust in him. no matter what. no matter what the consequence is. Sometimes that is so hard to do, because we all think that we can do it all on our own but the truth is we can't.  As Matthew 19:26 says- "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible".  By putting all your trust in God, you are taking a risk. A risk that is worth taking, but it takes a lot of guts because you don't know whats going to happen when you do. That's the "Reckless" part of our faith right there, that Trust that we so desperately put in God, who loves us more than we can ever imagine.
Another thing that God has taught me is  that forgiveness is important even when its hard. When someone hurts you, it's easy to say bad things about them or even want to hurt them back, even though we know those things won't change how we feel it might make us feel better in the moment but in the end we would feel bad for hurting them back the same way that they hurt us. I remember talking to one of my really good friends at a time when i felt so hurt by someone, she reminded me that people are going to fail me but God will always remain faithful. This was definetly one of those times where I put my trust in God. that he knew what he was doing. As i think back on that time, i am thankful for the suffering that i went through because it helped shape and mold me into the women that God wants me to be. I grew so much from this and for that I am grateful.   "You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well"-Lewis Smedes. As i read this tonight, it definetly tugged at my heart. Because that is so true. When i think of that person who hurt me in that conversation with my friend, i honestly wish them well. So I encourage you to take that risk and put your trust in him, because let me tell you it's totally worth it! No matter how "Reckless" it may seem. 

Read this devotional from Sheseeks.org -- Be Reckless

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24