
Wonderful Light

1 Peter 2:9 says--
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.."

I was reading this devotional tonight that really tugged at my heart strings here's what it said--If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you are a child of the King, each one of God's children has a royal call on their lives. I had the privilege of knowing a beautiful young girl who took her reign on earth seriously. She was a true princess who kept divine appointments every day of her life. Her name was Rachel. She went to a public school that was more like a war zone than a place to learn. Drugs were everywhere, Gangs terrorized the students. Godly values were nonexistent. During her freshman year when she was thirteen, Rachel began to feel tired all the time and lost her appetite. A trip to the doctor brought tragic news; Rachel had leukemia. The diagnosis left Rachel with a choice: become bitter or better. Rachel had no room for bitterness in her life. "I don't know how long I have to live", she told her parents, "and i know that God can choose to heal me. But I'm going to bring as many people home with me into eternity as i can. I'm committed to making every day count for Jesus" The rumor had spread through her school that she had cancer, so all eyes were on her every day. This trial gave Rachel a chance to show her classmates the peace and joy that only God can bring in such a tragic situation. she told her parents that she was ready to go home to Jesus and that night she wrote a letter to her classmates it said--"Dear classmates; i told my parents that i was willing to die and go home to eternity if i could bring all of you with me. My savior made a way for you to get to the other side..." After the letter was written, almost every student in the room came forward and gave their life to Christ--"Stories for the Extreme Teens Heart" by Alice Gray

After i read this story, i am challenged to do as the verse says, "that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light". That day when we decided to give our lives to Christ, he brought us out of the darkness that we were in and took us into his light. I would go as far to say that he does this in those times in our lives when we are going through suffering, he brings us out of the darkness that we are in and wraps his arms around us and lets us know that we are going to okay. Daily he brings us into his wonderful light, so that we may glorify him in everything that we do. My prayer this semester is  that i would fall more in love with him everyday and that i would show that love to others. As your going through this week remember that even though you may feel like your in the darkness, he will be bring you into his wonderful light.

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24