
Great and Unsearchable things

It's definetly been one of those weeks, where Friday cannot come soon enough! Not to say that it hasn't been good, but it's been long. On Tuesday i got to Skype with two of my really good friends, it was so good to see them and talk to them...i miss them so much! I cannot wait to till we get back to school and we are reunited! I'm ready for late night talks and movie nights. Although it's been hard to be away from friends it's been a good summer, God has been teaching me so much and he continues to provide....to sum it up, he never ceases to amaze me! Tonight i was reading in my bible and i came across this verse--"Call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know"-Jeremiah 33:3. When i read this verse i thought to myself, this pretty much sums up my summer--a summer of God continually filling me up with him and loving me more than i can even imagine...amen! so go, grab your bible and sit with God...he will definetly fill you up..i just know it!

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24