

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see"
My devotional today was talking about faith and it mentioned Hebrews chapter 11. In the first part of the chapter it tells us what faith is to us as a christian. All throughout the chapter God mentions people throughout the bible that had faith and without that faith who knows where they would have ended up. This got me thinking about all of the times in our lives when we just need to trust God and have faith because in the end he always provides. Those are the times when we are uncertain about our future or other plans in our lives...and we must remember that God has something so much better planned for us than we could ever plan ourselves. Without faith, we are constantly doubting. It's just like the story of Jesus walking on water in matthew 14,  after Jesus had finished praying he went down to the shore by the water and started walking on it at first the disciples were scared and thought that it was a ghost walking towards them, but Jesus resassured them "take courage it is I. do not be afraid!"  Then Peter said to him, if it is you then tell me to come. So Jesus did and Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water towards Jesus. But when Peter saw the wind he became afraid and he started to sink into the water and he cried out for the Lord to save him. Of course immediately Jesus reached out his hand and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" The lack of faith that peter had, caused him to doubt what God could do and when he regained that faith that he had before, he was able to see what God was capable of and that he truly was the son of God. This story reminds us to never doubt what God can do, never put a limit on what God can do...just trust him and he will provide. I just know it! 

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24