
7 Days and Counting...

Seven whole days until i move into school. shoot! That's so soon. Summer has gone by so fast. i cannot believe that it is already the end of August. As i look back on my summer, i can say that God has definetly taught me so much! At the end of the day, he let's me know that he is always enough. he's all i need. Just trust him and everything will work out. To that i breathe a sigh of relief because without him i would be so lost. He's the one that i go to at the end of the day and vent all of my cares and concerns that seems so small to me but yet mean so much to him. Isaiah 26:3 says--"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you".  Now as i look ahead at the upcoming semester ahead of me, my prayer is this verse--that i will remember to trust in him. Especially in those times when i just want to take the "control" so to speak. If i do it, i will just fall flat on my face but when i trust God and let him take the pen...he let's me know that he's got it all under control and that his plans are so much better than my own. And to that i again breathe a deep sigh a relief because i know that he's got amazing things in store for me. Amen. In those times when you just want to take "control". don't, just trust God and he will provide. always, i mean it. He love you and i more we can even imagine. remember that as you go through your week and praise him because he is good!
I leave you with this verse---"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart"-Jeremiah 29:13

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24