
Hearts as white as Snow.

It's amazing how the smallest things can just make your day so much better. It's been snowing a lot the past two days here and i am reminded of the song that says, "Oh! precious is the flow. That makes me white as snow." It's been a daily reminder that God washes away all our sin and makes us as pure and white as freshly fallen snow. On a side-note: I love freshly fallen snow because it sparkles on the ground and is so untouched and pure because no one has yet to walk through it. I think this is true about the heart of a little girl, when we are young are hearts are untouched, not walked through or trampled on. For some this doesn't last but for others there hearts stay untouched and when they find that one person that God wants them to be with, that person could be the one. I was reading a book called Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy over Christmas break, If you have not read it you should, it's amazing, it truly changed by perspective on a lot of things. The main point in the book was that we should become set apart for our first love who is God, because once we devote ourselves fully to doing what God has planned for us we will find that set apart man who in turn is daily seeking out the king, instead of being what the world wants us to be or thinks we should be because God is longing for an intimate relationship with us and i think that if we just give God the pen and let him write our love story, it will be more than you could ever hope for! So i encourage you to let God write your love story and become that set apart young women or man that God calls us to be. 
Check out! www.setapartgirl.com

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24