
After a rough semester Christmas Break is just what i needed!!

After another semester gone, I was so ready to go home. The semester was rough with roomate issues and hard classes. But through it all my friends have been amazing and very supportive. Now that i moved into a new room, i am so much happier. My roomies are great so far, i love them! :)  My family too. Break has been great so far, i love it! I've spent alot of time with my family and hoping to spend some time with friends. Last night i got all my wrapping done, so now i'm ready for Christmas. My cousins and aunt and uncle came over to our house for Christmas dinner, it was good to see all of them and be able to spend time with them. I am so blessed with an amazing family and friends.

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24