
Unexpected Growth

So this past week, someone that I was "friends" with/liked, text ed me this week. As i looked at the text i was shocked....i thought to myself, why did they text me?, since we hadn't talked in months. I guess I figured, if they wanted to talk to me then they would. Once i got over the shock, we text-ed back and forth for a little bit. As I reflected on this later in the day with some insight from my best friend. I was reminded of the growth that has happened since this person walked into my life, even though they didn't exactly bring out the best in me, when they hurt me, I was crushed but it taught me that I need to be constantly leaning on God for everything. Even when when it hurts. even when it feels like the pain is too much, or things aren't exactly going my way. Those are the times when I realize that I need be relying on him the most. As we all know, in the midst of suffering growth happens...really it does. I will be the first to admit that. In that time when that person walked into my life, God taught me so much! He taught me that no matter if i like someone or not i have to love them...even if they hurt me.  And honestly some days, i would just sit in my room thinking "why did this happen?" This was hard, it made me want to cry.  And in those moments God was right there with an encouraging word, or a just a simple--"Britney I've got this it's going to be okay." As I look back on that situation I can honestly say that I'm glad I went through this, even though it was awful, God knew what he doing..i truly believe that.

And then today at work, a lady was so rude to me on the phone. She didn't know it at the time, but she made me feel dumb. As I was on the phone with her I wanted to be rude back but in my heart I knew that all I needed to do was love her, even though her words weren't exactly that. so i prayed. My prayer this week has been that I would be God's light in the midst of a dark world, that people would see something different in me. Matthew 5:16 came to mind-- it says--
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven"--Matthew 5:16
So remember as you are going throughout your week that even though you may be suffering, growth is happening weather you know it or not...God's got plans for you and remember that he loves you more than you can even imagine!

1 comment:

"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24