
Lead by Serving

Last night I was watching this video, that was talking about relationships and marriage.  As I watched it, more and more of it resonated with me, it was just what i needed to hear at that moment. Lately I've been kinda discouraged about that in my life, just the thought of will it ever happen....in those times I know that I have to trust God with it because his timing is perfect..better than anything that I can come up with. I'm not desperate either those of you that know me should know that.  Don't get me wrong I am content being a single women at this point  but i do want that other person eventually. I remind myself that today God has called me to season of singleness. He knows what i need right when I need it. A quote that really stuck out to me from the video was--"Just like Jesus gave himself up for his bride the church, so men lead by serving by putting her first". That right there is the kind of man that I want--one who has a heart for serving the Lord. who pursues me with God's guidance not the worlds. That to me says a lot, but right now as i wait for God's perfect timing i am content with who i am and  my prayer is that i would continue to fall more in love with God every single day...because you know what? He loves you and I more than we can imagine. I remind myself of that every single day. As you go through this week. remind yourself of that one thing. and go.grab your bible and soak up his word!

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24