
God Looks for Clay

My new devotional this year is called Experiencing God Day By Day, each day it has a new thought to ponder and today's really tugged at me because it reminded me of a conversation I was having with a friend earlier today. Here's what it had to say---

"God knows how to bring salvation to your family, your friends, your community, and your world. Accordingly, He looks for those who will allow him to shape them into the instruments He requires to do His divine work. Clay has no plans of it's own, no aspirations for service, nor reluctance to perform it's given task. It is just clay. Mold able, pliable, totally submissive to the will of it's master. At times we excitedly announce to God: I've discovered my strengths, gifts and now i know how I can best serve you. at other times we inform Him that we are aware of our weaknesses so we know which tasks we are not capable of doing. Yet this is not a characteristic of clay. God is not limited to working with our strengths. He can mold us into whatever kind of instrument He requires. When God's assignment demands humility, he finds a servant willing to humbled. When His works requires zeal, He looks for someone he can fill with his spirit. God uses holy vessels. It is not a noble task being clay. But that's exactly what God is looking for, compliant mold able, yielded clay."

"God is not limited to working with our strengths..." This stuck out to me as I read this, it's so true. God is not limited to the world's standard of us or ours. He molds us and shapes us into anyway that he See's fit. Not to manipulate us, but to shape us into the godly men and women he has called us to be. Men/women after  his own heart. Seeking him with all that we are, while trusting him with everything in the process. Letting him take us in his hands and mold us into the "clay" that he longs for us to be. "When God's assignment demands humility, he finds a servant willing to be humbled", it's so true. whatever the shape, he molds it. Even though being clay is not a glamorous thing, it's something that we should all strive to be. My prayer for this week is that I would let God shape and mold me into the women that he wants me to be, and also my future all in his perfect time..not mine. cause we all know that his timing his way better than ours. Jeremiah 18:6 says, He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel"

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24