
Praying the Psalms

The other day my devotional was talking about praying the psalms, here's what it had to say...
The twentieth century theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, "The psalter is the prayer book of Jesus Christ." In other words, we are to read the psalms as if we're over- hearing Jesus pray-even pray for us- through those ancient words. So what do we hear Jesus praying in Psalm 31, Tucked away in these desperate verses are the words. "I entrust my spirit into your hand"(verse 5), also known as the last words of Jesus as he was dying (see Luke 23:46) I remember one of my undergraduate professors saying that it's likely Jesus actually repeated the entire psalm by memory while hanging on the cross. This seems plausible. If so, what heartbreak and yet what triumph are wrapped up in Psalm 31! "Rescue me," the psalmist prays in verse 5, "for you are a faithful God". And yet Jesus wasn't rescued from death-not until he had passed through it to the other side. "But i am trusting you, O Lord" says verse 14. "My future is in your hands" (verse 15). This would have given Jesus an anchor of reality to cling to amid the fog of pain-not to mention a pep talk to any of his followers who stood within the sound of his voice. They also might have heard:   Love the lord, all you godly ones! For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. so be strong and courageous. all you who put your hope in the Lord! -Psalm 31:23-24
I'd guess this psalm would have incensed the religious leaders who had put Jesus on trial the night before. "Silence their lying lips- those proud and arrogant lips that accuse the godly" (verse 18). What other verses in this psalm provide insight into Jesus' last moments?-Sarah Arthur

This got me thinking about  verse 15 which says, "My future is in your hands". Wow. what a cool statement. God my future is in your hands...wow..so amazing. Just soak that up. Go, grab your bible and soak that up.

In you, LORD, I have taken refuge;
   let me never be put to shame;
   deliver me in your righteousness.
Turn your ear to me,
   come quickly to my rescue;
be my rock of refuge,
   a strong fortress to save me.
Since you are my rock and my fortress,
   for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
Keep me free from the trap that is set for me,
   for you are my refuge.
 Into your hands I commit my spirit;
   deliver me, LORD, my faithful God.

I hate those who cling to worthless idols;
   as for me, I trust in the LORD.
 I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
   for you saw my affliction
   and knew the anguish of my soul.
You have not given me into the hands of the enemy
   but have set my feet in a spacious place. 

Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress;
   my eyes grow weak with sorrow,
   my soul and body with grief.
My life is consumed by anguish
   and my years by groaning;
my strength fails because of my affliction,
   and my bones grow weak.
 Because of all my enemies,
   I am the utter contempt of my neighbors
and an object of dread to my closest friends—
   those who see me on the street flee from me.
 I am forgotten as though I were dead;
   I have become like broken pottery.
For I hear many whispering,
   “Terror on every side!”
They conspire against me
   and plot to take my life
.- Psalm 31

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24